Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What I’m Reading: The Green Mile

fe10ebae-2cd8-465e-9a36-767ce13d3bf8There are few movies that I will watch again, and again… by choice.  There are several animated movies that seem to play on a continuous loop in our house.  I am fond of most all of Pixar’s offerings.  Lately, I’ve really enjoyed Despicable Me.  My tolerance for anything princess is thinly veiled.  Anyway, tangents aside, Stephen King’s “The Green Mile” is a movie that I can come back to like a good book.  However, I’ve never read it. 

Perhaps I’ve forgotten one, but the only of Stephen King’s screenplays that were worth a crap are, “The Shawshank Redemption,” and “The Green Mile.”  I suppose “Hearts in Atlantis” was a fair movie, I haven't read it.

The only significant difference from the book, and movie is the chronology jumps around more in the book.  Aside from that, they are nearly identical (so far).

As usual, Kind develops his characters slowly, but thoroughly; like them or not.

As I’ve mentioned, I’m listening to the audiobook.  Frank Muller is the narrator/performer.  I’ve always liked his renditions of Stephen King’s work, especially “The Gunslinger,” and “The Drawing of the Three” in his magnum opus the “Dark Tower” series.  On a side note, if you’re not aware, check out Frank Muller’s story here; it’s tragic.

Having said that, Muller’s performance is tiring in “The Green Mile, though not distracting.  I plan on enjoying the book.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I’m Reading: Preface

In the last four years, which I refer to as my “dumbing down,” I have only read a handful of books.  On the other hand, I have listened to hundreds of audiobooks.  My biggest excuse for this literary laziness is simple: the kid.  If I were to crack a book in her presence, she would immediately declare ownership of it, rip it from my grasp, and begin shredding the pages.  Furthermore, when she was small, I mean tiny-small, I would lay down next to her to get her to sleep.  This was for both napping, and bedtime.  I began to listen to audiobooks to entertain myself, often in the dark.

Anyway, it just stuck.  I listen to books any chance I get: cleaning, driving, shopping and working out.  On a side note, I could never understand how someone could read on a treadmill, or stair climber.  That’s a complete mystery to me. 

Also, when I share the stuff I’m “reading,” I am not interested in offering you, dear reader, an insightful, critical literary analysis.  Like I said, I’m getting dumber.  I will share where I meet the author in the work; how I feel about it.  Feel free to post your impressions also, agree or not.

Lastly, this is a really easy blogging topic I can babble on about without much forethought.  I’ll write about books I’ve finished, and probably television and movies also.

Next up: Stephen King’s The Green Mile

Friday, February 04, 2011

Another 100 things (Prelude)

I originally posted “Almost 100 Things About Me” sometime in 2005.  Ok, I really don’t remember when I posted it. But I do know it was several blogs ago.  The page has traveled with me like furniture.  When I set up a new blog, I post it like putting the couch in the corner of the living room. 

I think it’s getting time for a new couch, don’t you dear reader?  My life has changed quite a bit since the original version.  I was reading through the current version last night, and there were several entries that I no longer identify with. 

There is no way I’m going to be able to bang out the list in it’s entirety.  I’m thinking about writing the list from scratch; i.e. not using for current one for a prompt. 

So… what do you think?  Lists by categories?  An annotated list?  Prompts by you, dear reader?

Also, I’m planning on a shorter list for my little pal. 

As usual, I encourage comments.  Please comment here, rather than on FB.  let’s make the lurkers come to us.