I have been lengthening the distance of my daily blog stroll. In doing this, I’ve come to two separate conclusions. First… there are many people who write really well. They prattle on about the most inane stuff. Second… there are some really good writers out there, just publishing their own little lives, on their own little blogs. I am buoyed by this second conclusion. I’m not actually sure why I blog. Surely, my one intermittent reader doesn’t hang on my every word. In the back of my head, I like to think I am doing us both good by writing my little blurghs.
That’s funny… Microsoft spellcheck is telling me the last word in the previous sentence is spelled right. Humm… I was just being silly. I wonder what it means… Off to dictionary.com. Perhaps Bill knows something everyone else doesn’t. It’s not a word.
The pathetic part? That was the most excitement I’ve had all day. (sigh)
No doubt, the title of this post has piqued your interest. Is he going to quit? Has pussed out? Can’t stand the heat in the kitchen? Well…?
Gather closer, dear reader and I’ll tell you the story. It all began months ago, the end of winter quarter in fact. I built a website for my Senior Seminar class on the Hegemony of Rosie the Riveter. Combined with my other web projects, my student account couldn’t host the site. Not to mention, in another month, I won’t be a student any longer. I needed to find another host.
I’ve been thinking about it lately, buy not willing to shell out the cash for the cache (get it?). While spelunking the caverns of the internet, I found a blog host that I really like: WordPress. So I signed up. As I was setting up the account… formatting fonts, choosing color schemes… arranging tables and boxes just so, it’s much like moving into a new house.
Well… long story short… not only did I buy one domain name, buy two. First, I got digipomo.com. Then, eSquared.us. I thought the digipomo was more of a project name, rather than a personal one for me. Each come with 200MB of storage and 1GB transfers. And 50 email account each.
So, dear reader, if you’re interested in yourname@digipomo.com or yourname@esquared.us let me know. Better think about it now, before they become wildly popular, and Tom Cruise is jumps up and down on Oprah’s couch screaming about my blog.
Coming soon… esquared.us and digipomo.com. Stay tuned.
So… is it my last post? Nah.
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