Saturday, May 06, 2006

If wishes were fishes…

Do you ever have so many things to say... you need to make a list?

There are only two things on my list.

But it’s more complicated than that. I have this post I've been looking forward to writing. It’s first on my list. The second is a list of 100 things about me. Yes, making a list is on my list. It gets worse... lists are on my list… that’s on the list.

So... Why write this post when I could be writing the one I want? Then, I could get to the list, on my list, and check that off the main list. Silly, no?

The post is a reward. I have to get a bunch of Policy Journal stuff to do. I won’t let my self step in until I'm done. I've delayed gratification. I’m not sure why.

Perhaps it’s nap time

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