For this reason, perhaps “human stupidity” actually has survival value for our species. If the mean absolute I.Q. were 150 rather than 100, and if there were no correspondingly increased levels of wisdom and compassion, then perhaps we would have eradicated our species from the planet.
Is stupidity, itself, the long awaited but unrecognized Messiah?
I have to say that I don't quite see the connection btween the evolution of human compassion and technology being the reason for stupidity.
Think of how so many people work to help others, technology has allowed for that. If we did not have technology we would never have known about the tsunami in time to help. While it is not a pleasant association one also should acknowledge that technology created for war has found uses in the mainstream world. Without technology we would not know the words of the Dahli Lama or Gahandi, we would be ignorant in our own little world living our own little lives, and unable to blog about the ramifications of technology and stupidity.
Was is really compassion or was it the understanding that we needed each other and so we had better treat each other well? I think that man has always been ruthless to man, in smaller communities people are good to each other, but they also rely on eachother as well. We don't need to hear the Dali Lama, but then you could also say that we don't need the words of Jesus or the old testament to feel compassion. If we don't beed these guides then why have their words lasted so long? Perhaps it is because we did need to hear them at the time in order to remind us be kind to our fellow human. As to what is technology I thin that a monkey using a stick to get grubs is tech.
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