Graduation is a funny thing. At least for me it was… well, still is for that matter. One day, seemingly out of the blue, the homework, assignments, papers, reading and even the social aspects of university life just stop. Then, you stand in line for hours, then listen to a lot of blah blah blah, and shake a lot of hands. All the while, literally everyone I know is congratulating me on a job well done. Then there are the parties, gifts, dinners and cards, all complementary and nice. There are even gifts!
Four years ago, I made the decision that education was a life-long endeavor, and that I would go as far as student loans, my marriage and my unremarkable intellect would take me. For me, this means a Ph.D. Education, specifically academia has become not only then means to an end, but a way of life. In many respects, it has been my life for the past four years.
When everyone I know showers me with congratulations and kudos for simply going about the business of my life; it is very confusing.
Dear solitary reader… don’t get me wrong. A baccalaureate degree is something, an accomplishment and a milestone however belated.
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