Reflexivly, I rolled my eyes and groaned, "What fresh hell is this"?
- Another three-day reminder that thursday is garbage day?
- She bought another squeegie for the shower that I won't use?
- More help pulling her car out of the garage?
- A reminder to change the dri-aire thingies in the closet?
- I left water on the bathroom floor again?
- The garage needs to be swept?
Against my better judgement, I answered the phone. She began the conversation by calling me Mrs. E2. I'm sure you can imagine how that went over with me.
Then she asked me, to ask Mrs. E2 if we had some of the lazy-susans that she left here when we moved in. I told her I remembered we had a couple, and she was welcome to them. "No," she says "I had six or seven of them." She continues, "And only if Mrs. E2 isnt using them."
I'm ashamed to say, that I saw this as an opportunity to pass this off on Mrs. E2. No go. She wouldnt have it. I was in this one for the long haul. Old Crow was still praddling on about re-doing her kitchen cabnets.
Six or seven lazy susans. What the hell? I thought that she was finally losing it. Her memory was beginning to fail her. There is nofrickenway we have six or seven lazy susans in our kitchen.
I decide to give her the one we are using for our spices. As I think about it now, I think we brought that with us when we moved in. Crap. Anyway, I root through some of the cupboards. Low and behold... I found five more. Right where I put them when we moved in. I took all six up to Old Crow and assured her that Mrs. E2 was not using them.
Looks like it's my memory that's failing me.
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