While spelunking the depths of my geekdom, I found a new passage that takes me to a new low: RSS feeds.
I'd always thought they were something for the hardcore technophile or news junkie. Perhaps they are and I really am such an animal. I don't think so... I'm still hanging on the last shreds of my faux-coolness. What I'm about to write will tear those shreds away.
Simply... ATOM, or RSS feeds bring the content you choose from anywhere on the internet to one, convenient place. You read online papers, e-zines, blocs, boards or whatever... All post to one place. If you ask me, it's pretty darn cool. "How"? You ask. Who knows. Little internet fairies; one overworked web designer? I don't care.
All you need is a reader. Something to travel around the net like a little postal carrier and pick up all your subscriptions. Because I have become a Googlian, I use Google's reader. This way, when someone on my subscription list updates, it shows up on my Google personalized home page.
I'll make this easy for you. Once you have a reader, either click on this icon: on the right of the address bar in your browser, or click on this link:
at the bottom of my right sidebar. Then accept the feed. Simple.
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