Ok… went to the store, put the groceries away, and decided it was time I tackled the GRE quantitative assessment. So I’m working along, feeling pretty good about my self. I’m slow, but it’s all coming back. Then… I come to a geometry question. I just sat and blinked at it.
Now I’m disheartened. Needless to say, I’ve put the book away and I’m listening to Van Morrison, and I’m spilling my woes here.
Is it possible to be a college graduate and be decimated by high school geometry? Plato was an asshole… on many levels.
So… on to a meme. I was going to write this big thing on memes as tools of community, like icebreakers. It was going to be brilliant and philosophical. Like Plato, I’m an asshole too.
I got this from Deenerann at My Lunatic Ramblings, who in turn lifted from someone else. Creative Commons, blah blah blah.
The last thing you burned while cooking?
More than likely, popcorn or a frozen pizza. Trader Joes has GREAT ones.Describe yourself in 3 words?
Smart, silly and sarcastic (Mrs. E2 contribution) Me: Quirky, hypersensitive andHow long does it take you to get ready for your day?
Get ready? Does that mean on bath day, or not?Are you a health freak?
No, I have neither the discipline or the desire.How many people have thought you were the one?
I could never be mistaken for a health freak. A freak, maybe, but notWhat turns you off about the opposite sex?
a health freak.
Hygiene issues, inappropriate dressing (even if they can get away with it) andWhat kind of car do you drive?
Mercury SableFavorite thing to toast to?
Friends, a wonderful meal, relationships, good fortune, acknowledgement of hard work and to get hammered.What celebrity would you have coffee with?
Celebrity huh… Paul Newman, or Kenneth Branaugh
What celebrity would you not have sex with?
Humm… that’s a long list. First, everyone with a Y
chromosome. Of the rest, the top two no-brainers are Phyllis Diller and Joan
Rivers. But now that I think about it... probably anyone on the ‘A’
list. Why? Selfish in Bed and too much plastic.
What is the main ringtone on your cell?
I have a jarring old 40s ringtone. It’s unique and I can hear it for miles (when I have my phone on).
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching the new season of Morgan Spurlocks’ “30 Days”
Last TV show you watched?
See above
Who is your best friend?
Second to my wife: John
Who in your family do you get along with?
We get along… the two times a year we see eachother.
What is your top 5 hollywood hottie list?
1. Brenda Strong. 2. Sela Ward. 3. Sandra Oh 4. Mariska Hargitay. 5. Jeanne
Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Wife, but not the third or fifth
When/where was the last place you traveled?
Last month… Seaside Oregon. REALLY traveled, on a plane? 2002, Germany
and Italy
How many times have you been in love?
Puppy love… constantly. Real love? Once, and I still am.
How old will you be in 10 years?
49 (gasp) If I get there.
What did the last text message you received on your cell say?
“Hey handsome, I need your home address so I can send you an invitation.” (whoohoo)
What is a saying you say a lot?
"What the F#@&”!
Sinful snacking weakness?
Ice Cream
Best clothing style?
Best for comfort, or look? Shorts, t-shirt for
comfort. Humm… that’s all I wear.
Ever run out of gas?
Nope, I’m too OCD
Ever been to Europe?
Yup, loved it… eager to go back.
Worst date ever?
The whole narration or just her name? Let me say this… h a l i t o s i s.
Personal records?
Yes, I have them… years of them
What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for a day?
I wouldn’t leave the house.
Total jail time?
Zero… Not that I shouldn’t have jail time.
Have a crush on anyone you work with?
In your cd player right now?
Soundtrack from Matrix Reloaded.
What is something you believe in?
Karma. Mean people breed little mean people. Everyone is amazing for something.
What is something you fear?
Unstable heights (looking over guard rails, etc). Going through my wife's
stuff after she's gone.
Big or small?
I have no idea what this means… BIG
Worst physical pain you ever experienced?
I don’t remember physical pain. I have lot's of scars though.
Tell us something about your childhood?
I had an imaginary friend I named Pabby.
Best time to catch you in a good mood?
In the morning, early, after or during coffee. I love coffee.
If you could be anything for a day, what would it be?
I dunno… only for a day? Sounds like a real bummer to have all your
dreams realized then 24 hours later be back in the same position. So…
I’ll say GOD.
Most prized possession?
My family (wife and cat). The rest of it is all fluf anyway.
Would you ever sell it?
If the price is right… just kidding.
What is one of your pet peeves?
Stupid, passive people
Favorite actor/actress
Tom Cruise… again, kidding. He's a chump. I have
lots. Tim Roth, Edward Norton, Ewan McGreggor, Tim
Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Morgan Freeman, Dustin Hoffman Etc...
What song are you listening to right now?
If you could sucker punch someone right now who would it be?
Sean Evenson
Any secrets?
Does one person know all of my secrets, no. Do a few people know all
of my secrets, yes. So, do I have anything that no one knows, no.
Unhealthy addictions?
Unhealthy food.
Unhealthy fascinations?
Does watching really stupid shit on TV count?
Favorite sexual position?
All of them (that I know).
What do you notice first about the opposite sex?
Hair, eyes, malformations or disfiguring scars, general body type, sense of
humor, and eyes.
Favorite physical part of the opposite sex?
Other than female? Hair, legs and eyes
Soft sensual sex or porn star sex?
Would you go on a date with someone you met online?
If I wasn’t married, sure.
Work attire?
Shorts, t-shirt.
What is your best physical feature?
Do you think anyone actually has read this far?
My one reader? It depends if they’re out of rehab yet.
1 comment:
I used to have a serious crush on Tom Cruise. About 100 years ago. But now? I'm TOTALLY over it.
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