Monday, February 26, 2007

Ten Years Later…

I was gutting my way through Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane’s abysmal 2005 remake of The Producers. I loved Gene Wilder and Zero Icanneverrememberhislastname in the 1968 original, when Mrs. eSquared walked up to me with her lips pursed, and her eyebrows knitted together. She thrust a white plastic stick at me and stared.

After a moment I recognized the stick as a home pregnancy test; the first home pregnancy test we’ve needed in our relationship. I looked cautiously from the symbols on the test to her eyes… back and forth. She was waiting for my response… that was clear. There was just one problem. I couldn’t read the test thingy. Horizontal lines… vertical lines… pluses… minuses… I knew it said something important and from the look on Mrs. eSquared’s face, really important. I just had no idea what it was.

Finally, I deduced that if the test was negative, and everything was normal, we wouldn’t be having this… silent, coded conversation. So I guessed.

We’re having a baby? I said…

Indeed we are. I can’t wait to meet her.

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