2. I can’t stand mushrooms. Never have liked them.
3. I just don’t understand all the fuss over Star Wars.
4. My skin is ruddy and I tan very easily.
5. When I was young, I cut my bangs when my hair was wet. It was a disaster.
6. Yellow is my favorite color
7. I hate shaving. Shaving sucks. It’s scary, and I wish I didn’t feel the need to do it.
8. I do not suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but I have tendancies.
9. I do suffer (and so do those around me) from a Left Brained Word Fetish.
10. Approval is very important to me.
11. I’ve taken Trombone lessons and voice lessons
12. One of my OCD tendencies is making lists. Sometimes I add things to my lists that I’ve already done just to check them off.
13. I use some shareware without paying for it, and have looked up serial numbers online to gain full access.
14. I attended Boy Scout Camp several consecutive summers when I was young.
15. I am an Eagle Scout.
16. I like sex. Oh yes.
17. I used to bowl in a league.
18. I’ve been to Culinary Arts School, but I hated cooking professionally
19. My first real job was feeding baseballs into pitching machines.
20. Though I’ve never been arrested, I’ve done stuff for which I should have been. I wasn’t planning to run for public office anyway.
21. There are so many things I’d rather do when I have to Shower. Showering is such a waste of time.
22. I hate being hot. I prefer winter to summer.
23. I don’t understand the show Everybody Loves Raymond.
24. When brushing my teeth, I use very hot water. It seems cleaner.
25. I paint my toenails blue, but never my fingernails.
26. I'm always hot, even when other people are cold.
27. I'm not an organized sports fan.
28. I have almost 20k in student loans
29. Some of my friends, especially my friends who don't live close by, don't call or email me as much as I call or email them. I used to resent it. Now I have come to appreciate my role as a nurturer of friendships. I think being an only child makes me place more value on friendships.
30. I once owned a 9mm Taurus handgun. I gave it away after I realized there was nearly nothing worth taking another life over.
31. I have no sense of direction whatsoever. (for irony, see #15)
32. I wish I enjoyed exercise.
33. I like woodsy, herbal, floral, and spicy fragrances more than fruity ones.
34. People say my eyes are my best feature
35. I like reading theory.
36. I'm a huge procrastinator.
37. love to sing
38. When I hear a song I like, I can listen to it over and over without tiring of it. I will usually sing along if no one else is around.
39. When I was a kid, I loved to climb trees, move out to the edge of a branch and let myself fall out of the tree.
40. I would like to write a book someday.
41. I have a tattoo
42. I am an electronics freak.
43. I buy a lot of cheap electronics crap on ebay, I am almost always disappointed. Now all the electronics are sitting in a drawer in my office.
44. I like the smell of gasoline.
45. I didn’t go to Disneyland until I was an adult. It truly is the most magical place on earth.
46. I liked to build a fort out of the couch as a kid
47. Sometimes I still imagine I’m in a spaceship as I try to go to sleep
48. I like to wake up early in the morning.
49. Mom still lives in the same house we moved into when I was 5.
50. I love dramatic, summer thunderstorms. Northwest thunderstorms are anticlimactic, and dull.
51. I don’t like sugar sweetened drinks
52. I was a tenor in my high school choir, but I wanted to be a bass.
53. I’ve sung the tenor solos in the Messiah… I haven’t sung since.
54. I scored 100% on my written test to get my driver's license. I almost failed the driving test. It was parallel parking on a hill that nearly flunked me.
55. Today, I am so good at parallel parking it scares people.
56. Stopping on a steep hill with an automatic transmission freaks me out. Stopping on a steep hill with a manual transmission REALLY freaks me out.
57. I can get along with almost anyone. I’m not sure if almost anyone can get along with me.
58. I leave both the toilet seat and the cover down.
59. My blood type is O positive.
60. I tend to be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
61. I lived in Seattle, but I'm not a big fan of seafood.
62. I used to sing in a barber shop quartet. It’s my favorite type of singing.
63. Sometimes I think I can do anything, given proper instructions
64. When someone would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said an animal scientist. I don't think I really knew what I wanted to do, but having an answer kept the adults happy.
65. I've always been able to interact easily with people older than myself.
66. I love talking about relationships and human interaction.
67. Sometimes I can be arrogant.
68. I had a fascination with briefcases, until I finally got one and realized they weren't all that exciting.
69. I prefer the toilet paper to roll off the top
70. I like to make people laugh.
71. Excessive use of punctuation (especially exclamation marks) bugs me.
72. When I'm tasked with something repetitive or monotonous I find the most efficient way to complete it, often testing different strategies to speed up the process. This usually takes longer than just completing the tasks.
73. I had my middle and last names legally changed in 1984
74. As far back as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a scientist of some sort. I can’t tolerate the math though.
75. I like math, I’m just not good at it.
76. I don't have a good ear for lyrics
77. I am allergic to chololate. That's my only allergy.
78. The sound of someone brushing their teeth really annoys me.
79. I have many watches, and feel lost if I leave the house without one. Generally, there is a clock within my eyesight.
80. For the longest time I couldn’t understand why anyone would waste their money on a Mac. Now… the next computer I buy will be.
81. I have early onset of middle-aged grumpiness; it’s not difficult to piss me off. Wait… I am middle aged.
82. Fall is my favorite season.
83. My favorite movie is The Legend of 1900.
84. I don’t have a favorite book.
85. I like sharing food with others.
86. It takes me ages to decide what I'm going to eat.
87. I don’t like sushi… it’s the seaweed.
88. I believe in multipolar world. The one where differences are recognized and appreciated.
89. I can be stubborn.
90. And too straight forward.
91. For me relations are fuzzy and multidimensional. That's why it's so interesting to find where the limits of technology-mediated ways to represent them. Or to move those limits.
92. I like flying. I would like to be a pilot.
93. I have a cat. His name is Wylie
94. I have liberal views on most issues.
95. I think "The Simpsons" is one of the best shows ever (particularly the early years).
96. I think corporations have grown too powerful… esp. Microsoft, Time Warner, and Wal-Mart.
97. I love jazz.
98. I’ve never smoked pot or taken any drug not prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes I feel I missed out.
I started crying at about number 46.
It was a nice reminder of how unique you are and how much fun you are to be around.
BTW--Just what exactly do you mean by I am allergic to chocolate? I saw you eat an Almond Joy the other day?
Hi Uncle E.
I didn't kow that ou were alergic to chocolate. And I like your blog! Love ya!
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